Goodbye June...

Goodbye June...

This blog will be short and sweet!   I want to THANK every single person from near and far who took the time to honor me and my feelings during this past week of remembering my son Garret.  As I reflect on his life and the changes that I have made throughout the 17 years he has been gone; I can honestly say that I am proud of myself.  

I was forced into this journey without a seconds notice and I had to choose how I would live and put one foot in front of the other.  I didn't know 17 years ago how that would look, how I would feel, how anything would be; but I knew that I had to live the fullest life I could and give my daughter Graci the best life she deserved as a young child.  

It's not always easy and I know if your newer in the "grief" journey, the words "time does heal" means nothing and seems impossible.  I can tell you though that in "time changes" and we really never ever "heal" from the death of our child, but it has eased and it has changed.  I can confidently say it's been better, more positive and more light hearted for me.  I will also say though, that the feeling our bodies go through physically is incredibly challenging still today.  The heaviness, the ache, the longing, and mostly the fatigue I felt and kind of just the fog of it all for a week was still something I was hoping I wouldn't feel, but I did.  All I can really give you is the ability to give ourselves grace while going through this incredible journey. 

Today, I feel lighter.  I feel ready to conquer all the things within my small business that I have been putting on the back burner because I couldn't even focus and I had zero desire to want to move forward with any of it. It's strange how the feeling of grief just freezes us and the everyday tasks really take a toll.  But, I have moved and I had two amazing podcasts drop last week and I announced the launch of MY very own podcast (partnered with a widow friend Michelle).  This is something that has been on my heart for quite some time now and all the stars aligned and a little push from the Heaven's above made this happen.  You can give us a follow on our social sites @losstolighpodcast.  We will be launching our first two episodes hopefully next week.  

So, to end this, THANK YOU for the endless support by even reading my blog posts.  I really, really enjoy writing and what I can bring to you all.  I already made a list of my upcoming blogs that I know will resonate and speak to so many of you going "through" something especially the grief journey.  My goal always is that we are truly "Better Together"; so LET'S DO THIS!!!!   

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1 comment

I am always so impressed with your strength and courage! Blessed to know you! Love you!!

Misty Hemphill-Wilson

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