We are ALL a work in progress, aren't we?

We are ALL a work in progress, aren't we?

Words mean a lot. Words hit us wrong sometimes. Sometimes the words texted or said maybe don't carry the value that they are said or written; but maybe sometimes they do. This is life in general, but also with the grieving. Words are hard to come by when a person is grieving and as a bystander we are always looking for the right words to say, but sometimes they come out wrong, unintentionally. **spoiler alert - that's why I created my greeting cards with the words you don't know, I've made it simple for you**

I bring a lot of this up today to let you know that I am not perfect either *SHOCKER* <insert sarcasm>. Sometimes I definitely have fumbled on words and maybe have let my emotions control my thoughts. I know better but there are times when a button is pushed and my emotions jump ahead of my logic and intelligence. BUT, what I will let you know is that I work on this every single day of my life. I journal about words, I journal about thoughts, I journal about other peoples words that are spoken and the biggest thing I do with all of this "word" talk, is I pray and I release my words spoken and ask for forgiveness. I also pray for the people that don't understand or realize their words hurt others. 

I read a devotional awhile back by "Dayspring". This company creates a lot of journals, devotionals, and inspiring items for people just like you & me! This one was their "The Beach is Calling - 90 day devotions for rest and relaxation" . One of the daily devotions is called " The Power to Refresh in the words we choose".  I have read and reread this devotion and saved it because it speaks to me not only with the grief work that I do and the words that are spoken to grievers, but also because it's a perfect reminder for me during the days when words are spoken about or to me and I need to pray about them. 

Following is part of this devotional written by DaySpring:  It's a lot easier to choose the words we read than it is to control the words we speak. They can come out quickly and with too little thought when we're angry. They can be contrary to what God says about us when we feel insecure. They can be disrespectful when we gossip, and they can be critical when we forget God has called us to love people, not to judge them. Proverbs 16:24 says, "Kind words are like honey-enjoyable and healthful". Words affect health, both ours and the people who hear them. One translation says that pleasant words sweeten the soul and give healthy to our bones. Spoken words have a deep and lasting effect. They can be life-giving or they can make life harder to live and isn't it hard enough already? 

What would happen if we all chose words that are as refreshing as streams in the desert. Words that fill souls with joy and hearts with hope. By taking every opportunity to speak a kind word, give a compliment, say something positive, or let someone know they're loved, we change our little corner of the world today. And if we keep speaking words of life day-after-day, we keep changing lives one-by-one. We need each other more than ever right now, to be light bringers and love spreaders, hope holders and courage builders, kind doers and strength givers. God has all word power we'll ever need - we just need to be the ones speaking it. 

WOWZA...what speaks to me the most that, even though most everyone on this planet has stumbled over words to people, about people, or even the unspoken words; we can all be and do better from today going forward. I for one forgive easily because I understand some people don't know their heart & soul well enough to use the right or correct words. When we are speaking with a griever, just lean into the saying "I don't have words for this" and let it go and just listen. 

If you know me and follow me on socials, even my personal socials, I have ALWAYS been a "quote" sharer and a positive impact sharer. It's who I am and when I see something that speaks volumes at the time, I share it. The words may not even be about me, but words that other's may need to read, digest, and understand. 

As I close this out, like I said, I am not perfect. I have fumbled, I have strayed with my words, but my I have gained a bigger intention in life to be a speaker of "joy and light" or "hope and courage" or "kindness and strength". Because of all of you and how we are BETTER TOGETHER, you have given me the knowledge and platform to be a spreader of "GOOD WORDS". 



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