What's NEW with Butterflies + Halos

What's NEW with Butterflies + Halos

This blog is going to be light and airy after a few weeks of "heavy" blogs.  I'm going to share what I am working on behind the scenes and what you can expect going forward from Butterflies + Halos! 

I'm feeling the momentum and I'm not sure if it's because Spring has arrived or what's happening.  I wouldn't say that I'm growing faster than I thought, because I'm not; I think I'm actually on track to where I thought I'd be.  I'm coming up on a year of being in business and for that I'm grateful! 

I like to share my story, not because I want people to know and "feel" for me.  I share because it needs to be heard so that people who are going through tough times can reflect on my words and actions and know that they too can survive and thrive.  It takes time though!  I'm almost 17 years out from Garret's death and I'm 14 years out from Jack & Seth's.  Of course I have had numerous "new" deaths since, but when I think of my business, I think of these 3 boys and they were my driving force behind wanting to do more and be more.  I'm guessing it has a lot to do with the fact that I lost all 3 of them within 2.5 years and those dark times required A LOT OF MENTAL WORK!

So...with that being said I'm going to share my story and my business more and your going to be seeing a lot more of me sharing my shares (is that even a thing)? 

What's next you ask?  Well this is where I'm going to need your help as well for my first item of business.  What do you as a buyer of Butterflies + Halos want to see available to purchase besides cards?  I have my candles that I want to really get moving out the door, so that's a number one marketing task on my agenda.  Do you wan to see stickers? Clothing? Notepads? Journals? Decals? Boxed Sets? Subscription card box?  The sky is endless with ideas, but I want to hear from you!  So send me a private message or message me here and let me know!  Remember...we are Better Together and if I have what YOU want, then we can go places! 

Podcasts!!!  I have been reaching out and have had podcasts reach out to me!! I have recorded two podcasts as of today and I have 2 more scheduled.  Make sure you follow me on socials to see when they are going to be live to listen too.  I will always share in my newsletter also and with the link, so make sure you are signed up there because I won't always share on my bog about the podcasts!  Send me podcasts that you think would be good for me to be on.  They can be anything!  I learned today as I recorded, that we can talk about grief, business, and life and turn it into whatever their podcast focuses on...the sky's the limit guys!!!  My goal with being a guest on podcasts is that I can share my story, people can learn from my journey, and I can promote my Butterflies + Halos business as well! 

Upcoming podcasts: "Grieving Insomniacs" , (this podcast is about grief and grieving mothers).  I'm not 100% sure when this will air, but I'm thinking next week sometime.  You can click on the show and be directed to the podcast, follow and listen to other episodes.  "Vibrantly Grey" , (this podcast is for people over 50 who have big dreams). I can tell you after today recording this, it's not only for 50+, it really can be geared for any ages and especially after you listen to my episode!  I believe this episode will go live on April 25th.  Again, you can listen to these anywhere you listen to podcasts and sign up for my e-mail list so you know when they will air and which ones I will be on! 

Website revamping!!!  I am in the process of revamping my website so that I can start SELLING on it as well!  I am ready to branch out my audience with better SEO then just Etsy.  I will keep my Etsy store open because more is better right?!  But, I want to have everything in one area and be able to utilize my website for more than just a landing page like it is now.  so, stay tuned on that. I'm ancient and a turtle and I'm going to try and do this all myself so hopefully by the time I'm 52 it will be done!! (insert big laughs...just teasing my goal is by my 1 year anniversary).  

Wholesale!!!  I want and actually NEED to ramp up the process of this!  I have completed my wholesale catalog and it's up on my website for views.  You have to be a retailer to purchase from there though.  Wholesale is a different beast for sure, but that's where I can draw in more income.  SO...help me and let's work together.  Do you know a store that would love to carry my cards?  Let me know!! I am reaching out weekly to boutiques, stores, coffee shops, etc.  The hardest process right now is doing the research and finding stores that would fit my brand or even carry my cards.  I'm researching from West coast to East coast and North to South, so let's get this wholesale party going!!  Also, remember I am on Faire Wholesale platform and that's a great way for businesses to purchase my products as well!!

Pop-ups and Events!!!  These are fun and all, you get great exposure, but they are tiring and time consuming.  I pick and choose very carefully where and why I want to participate.  Again, I won't post on here every pop-up I have, this blog is for knowledge and helping.  SO, make sure you are signed up for my e-mail and you are following me on Instagram at Butterflies + Halos or Facebook Butterflies + Halos.  Today I'll fill you in on the upcoming events; Sunday, April 16th at the Her Cooperative at 15330 Weir St, Omaha NE from 11-3.  Saturday, April 29th at the Modern Market downtown Waterloo NE from 10-4 (junk stock is going on this weekend too, so there will be a lot going on in the Waterloo area). Saturday, June 3rd The Collective for Hope remembrance walk will be held down at Millwork Commons and I will have a table set up there too!  SO, you can see events are fun and they are good for my business.  

Lastly...You have all asked and have all questioned this for many many years.  YES, I am in the process of writing a BOOK!!  Say what?  I can't really even believe those words have come out of my mouth but it's been something I have been working on for several years, but have just put steam in the engine to move forward and faster.  This will be a dream of mine and just something that will be the best thing I have ever done (besides marriage & birth).  This is going to be a story of love & loss, hope & faith, and stories of resilience.  I am excited to share this with you, but timing and all that is not at that point yet, but I have goals in place and I am working on them like crazy!  So definitely stay tuned for that!!!!

If your still reading (which I hope you are), THANK YOU!!!  I wouldn't be here in this position today without the support.  The support may be following my socials, signing up for my e-mails, reading my blogs, or buying my products.  TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER and I will repeat that always.  I hope that you enjoyed the update of the future of Angie & Butterflies + Halos!  Send any suggestions, questions, or comments to me at angie@butterfliesandhalos.com or message me on socials! 

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